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Book Review: Frost Blood by Elly Blake

Title: Frost Blood Author: Elly Blake Series: Frost Blood Saga Publisher: Little, Brown & Company Publication Date: January 2017 Source & Format: Soft cover, originally bought from Target (although I don't see it in the book section anymore) Page Count: 376 Genre: Fantasy Rating: πŸŒ™πŸŒ™πŸŒ™πŸŒ™ The Reign of Ice Must End Seventeen- year- old Ruby is a Fireblood who has concealed her powers of heat and flame from the cruel Frostblood ruling class her entire life. But when her mother is killed trying to protect her, and rebel Frostbloods demand her help to overthrow their bloodthirsty king, she agrees to come out of hiding, desperate for revernge. Despite her unpredictable abilities, Ruby trains with the rebels and the infuriating― yet irrisistible―Arcus, who seems to think of her as nothing more than a weapon. But before they can take action, Ruby is captured and forced to compete in the king's tournaments that pit Fireblood prisoners against Frostblood

Review: Haunting The Deep By: Adriana Mather

Title: Haunting the Deep Author: Adriana Mather  Series: How to Hang A Witch Publisher:  Knopf Books for Young Readers Publication Date: October 3, 2017 Source and Format: Page Count: 354 Genre: YA Fiction Rating: πŸŒ™πŸŒ™πŸŒ™πŸŒ™πŸŒ™ Samantha Mather knew her family’s connection to the infamous Salem Witch Trials might pose obstacles to an active social life. But having survived one curse, she never thought she’d find herself at the center of a new one.    This time, Sam is having recurring dreams about the  Titanic . . .  where she’s been walking the deck with first-class passengers, like her aunt and uncle. Meanwhile, in Sam’s waking life, strange missives from the  Titanic  have been finding their way to her, along with haunting visions of people who went down with the ship.    Ultimately, Sam and the Descendants, along with some help from heartthrob Elijah, must unravel who is behind the spell that is drawing her ever further into the dream ship . . . and closer to

Top 10 Best Bookish Gifts

#1. Frostbeard Booklover Soy Scented Candles Rainy Day Reads I adore these candles. Lighting one up while you're reading your favorite book can really wake your senses. From “Rainy Day Reads” that smells like fresh rain, ginger, and lavender (yum), to “Sherlock’s Study”, I feel like they smell like you would imagine they smell in your head so it really helps to take you to that place when you're reading.  #2. “I’m Not A Bookworm, I’m A Book Dragon” Mug I'm Not A Bookworm Seriously, anyone want to buy this for me? How cute is this. I was voted bookworm in 6 th grade and let me tell you, if It had been book dragon, I probably would have told everyone, because I mean, how cool is that? #3. Book Sleeve Beauty and The Beast Book Sleeve For those times that you just throw a book in your bag throughout the day and you’ve brought it out only to find it bent and ripped. If you love someone, NEVER let this happen to them... truly a dark time for

25 Questions Tag: Facts About Me!

1. What is your middle name? Viviana 2. What is your favorite subject in school? Biology and French. Biology is actually now my major in college 3. What is your favorite drink? regular drink- Coffee Alcoholic- Cranberry vodka 4. What is your favorite song at the moment? "The Only One"- The Cure 5. What is your favorite food? sushi!!! I'm also reeeeaaaallllyyyy into poke bowls right now 6. What is the last thing you bought? Letter board sign from Amazon Buy Here 7. Favorite book of all time? Harry Potter! (This is actually the theme for my upcoming wedding since both my fiance and I love the books and movies so much) 8. Favorite color? Black 9. Do you have any pets? I do, I actually have 5 dogs. Fluffy, Petey, Bella, Rose, and Kilala 10. Favorite perfume? Sinner- Kat Von D 11. Favorite Holiday? Halloween, I love the fall, scary movies, and all of the Halloween decor 12. Are you married? No, but I will be this year! 13. H

Review: Hunted by Meagan Spooner

Hunted By Meagan Spooner Buy Here Out of all of the Disney movies I have grown up with, the story of Beauty and the Beast was always my favorite. The tale of Belle, a beautiful and unique girl who loved to read and wanted something more for herself and Prince Adam, the beast who had to learn how to love and be loved always made me believe that everything was possible and you don’t have to be like anyone else to be happy. So like I said, I love this classic fairytale, so when I saw this at the bookstore, I knew that it would be something that I had to take home. This is the first book I read by this author and I have to say, I can’t wait to read other things from this author. ~Thoughts~ The story begins with Yeva, a merchant’s daughter, who is living her life day by day doing what she’s supposed to do. Being the perfect lady, part of upper society, is what Yeva should be striving for because that’s what her family wants, even though deep down, she’s

Mini Review: The Edinburgh Seer By Alisha Klapheke

Buy It Now The Edinburgh Seer written by Alisha Klapheke was a really good read for me. I read it in a day because right when I started it, I could not put it down for the life of me. I personally LOVED the theme of the book and I thought it was such an original concept. Aini is a beautiful, intelligent, naΓ―ve sort of girl that works and lives with her father who is a candy maker and scientist. Her father is abducted and it’s up to Aini and her three friends, who also work for her father, to figure out why they captured him and how they will get him back home safe and sound. Her father’s apprentice, who is also one of her friends, and someone very important in her life has many secrets that start coming out when she asks for his help in finding her father. The sweets that her father invented have been altered with different things to give people certain abilities when they eat it. Some can change your moods, heighten your senses, and even make you lose gravity. This skill i

Book Review: Awakened by Brenda K. Davies

Book #1 in the Vampire Awakenings Series Download Here Author: Brenda K. Davies So let me start off by telling you guys how I came across this book. So, about two years ago, I actually found it when I was scrolling through the free book section on my Kindle app. I'm so glad I found it because honestly, I've read it about 8 times already, and it's always one of my go- to books if I feel like reading but I'm not emotionally ready to start a new book. ~ Thoughts~ I loved this book SO MUCH . I know I say that about every book I review, but I honestly love Awakened. The love and protectiveness that Liam and Sara have for each other is beautiful. My only critique I have of this book is the subject of vampires and mates, but I can't actually explain this without giving too much away. Sara as a character is not very solid. Her main focus was school but when she meets Liam she just completely forgets about her goals, which doesn't really sit well with me.